Ridder Synopta climate management software makes these highly interconnected and complex settings simple with an all-in-one user interface that puts you in control. This article breaks down how Synopta records, analyses, and displays greenhouse data to help you configure and improve the climate. With Synopta you can simplify your growing setup and save on resource inputs.
A complete all-in-one cockpit overview of your greenhouse climate
More and more, data-driven growing is becoming commonplace in commercial greenhouses. Growers are installing an increasing number of sensors in their greenhouses to monitor a broad range of metrics. However, without proper management and analysis, this data can become fragmented and ultimately not be used at its full potential to optimize greenhouse and growing conditions.
When it comes to cultivating quality crops, more data means more control. But simply capturing data from greenhouse facilities isn’t enough to ensure a robust growing strategy. You need to know how to interpret the data and use it to inform your climate strategy to achieve your goals.
Our powerful Ridder MultiMa and CX500 climate computers come with Ridder Synopta; the user interface (UI) that offers an at-a-glance overview of your greenhouse business, technical systems, indoor climate, irrigation systems and cultivation strategy. From monitoring trends, tracking changes, and setting up notifications, alarms, influences and settings; Ridder Synopta provides secure access and management for all systems all from one place. This puts every detail at your fingertips – quickly and easily. Ridder Synopta is known for turning complex processes into simple actions.
With an extensive range of features that give growers the power to define influences and metrics and configure personalized dashboards, Ridder Synopta is the most complete and versatile control software on the market. Synopta allows you to manage every aspect of your greenhouse down to the last detail. With multiple integrations across Ridder and third-party applications, Synopta allows for the ultimate user-friendly data management solutions that can be linked to a variety of platforms.

The easiest way to create a winning climate strategy
For larger greenhouse operations, managing different greenhouse systems and making them work together in a compatible and symbiotic way is a vital part of operations. Understanding relationships between different factors - from irrigation and CO2 levels to humidity and light levels, can make a huge difference in the success of the crop cultivation.
Synopta provides statistical information and helps growers set goals, measure their progress towards them, and help them understand the long-term forecast. Its unique user-friendly interface, intuitive and all-in-one UI brings together all the essential information you need to manage your greenhouse in one place.
Improved efficiency and cost-benefit analysis are the key drivers of Synopta’s data dashboard. As such, Synopta gives users the ability to only access the parts of the data that is relevant to them and their sector. What’s more, every user of Synopta can personalize their dashboard information to see only the most relevant and important metrics for their growing requirements. Synopta even provides a filter for alarms to ensure they only alert the relevant people at the right time. This in turn means growers are more responsive and focused on their particular task, be it irrigation or temperature control. Synopta makes growing at scale simple and time saving.
Simple, secure and accurate data control from anywhere with Synopta
Every grower’s set-up is unique. That’s why we advise you to discuss your specific situation with our process automation and climate experts. We’re here to offer you expert advice on how to get the most out of your greenhouse with our powerful and user-friendly climate computer.